Opus Consulting Opus Consulting
About Us

Our Mission

Our goal at Opus Consulting is to enable companies to generate sustainable growth, promote creativity, and manage the complexity of today's economy. People have the power to change the world and can influence businesses' success. We are dedicated to helping our partners reach their full potential by clearing the path for future success. We understand the critical importance of practical knowledge and tactical support in the rapidly evolving business environment today. We want to serve as more than just consultants for our clients, we want to be their key collaborators and trusted advisors. Our motive is to provide groups with the equipment they need to take sight of opportunities, conquer demanding situations, and attain their long-term targets so they can succeed sustainably in today’s dynamic market. Our objective at Opus Consulting is to act as facilitators for change in companies. Our mission is to support our clients on their path to sustained success through collaborative partnership.

Opus Consulting
Opus Consulting Opus Consulting

Our Story

Under the inspiring direction of Suzanne Lanaro, Opus Consulting was born out of more than a decade of experience working with well established consulting firms. Suzanne saw a need in the market and envisioned a consultancy that focused on developing deep, long-lasting connections with clients and providing strategic insights.

Opus Consulting is a living example of Suzanne’s vision and dedication to quality today. We take great satisfaction in establishing deep connections that go beyond simple business dealings, and conventional consultancy. Our path has been one of constant innovation, expansion, and steadfast commitment to supporting the success of businesses.

The history of Opus Consulting is defined by a commitment to pushing limits, encouraging creativity, and providing our customers with enduring value. We are creating a future where companies not only compete in the dynamic business landscape, but define it.

lady standing in office
making deal

Our Approach

The approach at Opus Consulting is based on an in-depth knowledge of the opportunities and difficulties that companies face in the rapidly changing environment of today. Our methodology ensures creative and useful solutions tailored to each client’s particular demands and goals by combining industry knowledge with a customer-oriented focus.

Our emphasis on data-driven insights, human-centered design, and lean methods demonstrate our dedication to excellence. We deliver well-informed, strategic solutions, and streamline processes for improved productivity.

At Opus Consulting, we recognize the importance of adapting to the particular needs of each business. Our custom-designed approach guarantees that we address the specific goals and current state of our customers, allowing them to triumph and seize opportunities.

Opus Consulting

Our Process

Steps of Recruitment
work process

Opus Consulting 01

Differentiate from the competition

Take advantage of untapped opportunities in your industry to deliver value and produce observable bottom line results.

Opus Consulting 02

Target the right people effectively

Boost clickthrough rates and bridge the digital divide with DevOps integration.

Opus Consulting 03

Communicate your story consistently

Leverage nanotechnology to improve connection and speed up communication.

Our Values

Our basic principles at Opus Consulting

Opus Consulting

Adaptive intelligence

We are proud of our ability to use adaptable ideals to successfully traverse the always-shifting commercial landscape. We not only overcome issues but also take advantage of possibilities by effectively combining creativity with practical insights. This keeps us malleable and efficient even when faced with new and unpredictable challenges.

Opus Consulting

Sincerity in Action

The foundation of all we do is honesty. Building sincere relationships with our clients via open communication and providing solutions that accurately capture their companies and basic principles is our top priority. This dedication to genuineness creates partnerships that are deep and lasting.

Opus Consulting

Collaborating Broadly

We sincerely believe that variety fosters creativity. We value a variety of views and backgrounds in our highly inclusive collaborative strategy. We work to foster an environment where all opinions are valued and heard because we know that different viewpoints provide stronger solutions.

Opus Consulting

Curiosity and Ongoing Learning

Our innate curiosity drives us to keep learning and growing. We proactively cultivate a culture of ongoing growth, motivating our staff and clients to seek out knowledge and information. Our commitment to education guarantees that we remain at the forefront of evolving standards as well as trends.


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Why Choose Us

Selecting Opus Consulting is the start of a revolutionary partnership that revolves around your success. Beyond standard consultation, we operate as an essential member of your team, coordinating our efforts with your overarching objectives. By working with Opus, you’re getting more than consulting services, you’ll be gaining a dedicated business partner who is invested in the long-term success of your company.

Our customized approach is what makes us unique. We reject the idea of universally applicable solutions and cookie-cutter approaches. Rather, our custom plans are made to meet the particular needs that your company faces and outline a blueprint for unexplored avenues. Our bespoke approach to consulting coupled with our feedback helps us realize a vision for success.

Opus Consulting goes beyond business exchanges. We strive to develop trusting relationships, open communication, and a spirit of collaboration. By selecting Opus, you’re not just picking a consulting firm; you’re bringing in a team devoted to helping you navigate complexity and guide your company toward long-term success.